Air Tickets

Date From/To Flight Dep./Arv.
(A) 12/10 Narita-LA UA890 1600/0835
(B) 12/10 LA-Lima LA601 1300/0035+1
(C) 12/13 Lima-Cusco PL615 0600/0705
(C) 12/16 Cusco-Lima PL433 1035/1255
(B) 12/18 Lima-Santiago LA601 0125/0645
(D) 12/21 Santiago-Putarenas LA085 1100/1510
(D) 12/28 Puntarenas-Puerto Montt LA084 1600/1810
(D) 01/02 Puerto Montt-Santiago LA084 1825/2000
(B) 01/03 Santiago-Easter Island LA841 0900/1225
(B) 01/08 Easter Island-Papeete LA833 2250/2335
(B) 01/11 Papeete-Honolulu HA482 0035/0605
(E) 01/11 Honolulu-Lihue AQ033 0710/0745
(E) 01/15 Lihue-Honolulu HA564 2005/2036
(B) 01/15 Honolulu-LA HA004 2230/0535+1
(A) 01/16 LA-Narita UA897 1050/1525+1

Air Tickets: I bought tickets (A)(B)(C)(D) from a travel agent “Saiyu Ryoko”.

  • (A) UA discount ticket
  • (B) Circuit Pacific by LanChile, which is normal ticket (US$1645)
    (A) and (B) conts 263,000 yen +10,000 yen (US Tax) US Tax costs 5000 yen x 2 because of entering US twice
  • (C) Aero Peru discount ticket (US$150)
    19,000 yen
  • (D) Visit Chile by LanChile ( US$250 )
    33,000 yen
  • (E) UA Award ticket
    From Lihue to Honolulu, AQ230 was delayed, and got HA instead of AQ

(*) LanChile’s Visit Chile has different prices if you go to Santiago by LanChile or not.

Aero Peru closed its business in 1999
Aeroperu – Wikipedia


(US1$ = 420-440 Peso)(XPF1 = 1.2 yen)

Date Place Name Price
12/10-11 Lima Sheraton US$85++ (by UA’s discount)
12/12 Lima Hotel SanMartin US$30 w/ breakfast
12/13-15 Cusco Hostel Singapur US$18
12/16 Lima El Patio US$32 w/Breakfast
12/18-20 Santiago Hotel Tokyo US$35 w/Breakfast
12/21-24 Puerto Natales Hotel Natalino 12000 peso w/Breakfast
12/25-27 Puntarenas Hotel Montecarlo 7900 peso
12/28-30 Puerto Montt Hotel Colina US$41 w/Breakfast
12/31 Ancud ? 4000 peso w/Breakfast
1/1 Puerto Montt ? 4000 peso w/Breakfast
1/2 Santiago Hotel Tokyo US$35 w/Breakfast
1/3-7 Easter Island Chez Cecilia US$25 w/Breakfast
1/8-9 Papeete KonTiki Pacific XPF8640
1/11-14 Kauai Island Aston Kauai Beach Villa 5000 yen

(*) I booked Lima Sheraton, KonTiki Pacific, Kauai Beach Villa in Japan before travel, and others were not booked.

Rent a car

  • Easter Island 8 hours US$50
  • Kauai Island Hertz affordable rate 1 week US$172, 10% off by CitiBank/NW card.

Guided Tour

From Summary Price
Cusco Sunday market of Pisac and Ollantaytambo w/Lunch, w/Guide 1day US$25
Cusco Machu Picchu wo/Lunch wo/Guide 1day US$85
Puerto Natales Paine N.P. wo/NP Entrace Charge wo/Lunch, 1day 12000 peso
Puerto Natales Serrano Glacier wo/Lunch, 1day 20000 peso
Puntarenas Isla Magdalena Penguin Colony 15:00 – 20:00 US$30
Puerto Montt Los Todos Santos (Mt. Osorno and beautiful mountains and lake cruise) w/Lunch, 1day 21800 peso

Things I saw

  • Lima Old town, New town(Miraflores), Museum
  • Cusco town, Pisac sunday market, Ollantaytambo
  • Machu Picchu
  • Santiago Centro, Natural History Museum
  • Paine N.P. Gray Glacier, Mt. Paine
  • Milodon Cave
  • Serrano Glacier
  • Isla Magdalena Penguin Colony
  • Puntarenas, Zona Franca (Duty Free Area)
  • Puerto Montt, Angelmo harvor
  • Lake Los Todos Santos, Mt. Osorno
  • Ancud and Castro of Chiroe Island.
  • Easter Island
  • Papeete town
  • Kauai Island(Hanalei, Old Koloa Town, Spounting Horn, Waimea)


  • It’s a very good travel. I felt this was a real travel, because of many years blank except few days trip to south Asia.
  • I had a great impressions from Machu Picchu and Easter Island. You don’t understand Machu Picchu if you don’t go there. I had never tired to look Moais in Easter Island. I felt some spiritual things. It is very far from South America or Tahiti, and felt isolated.
  • Chile is good country. I wonder it’s not so popular to visit for Japanese.
  • I talked to many tourists. Some couple are traveling very long after they quit their jobs. US people comes to South America easily similar to Japanese goes to South Asia. Most of Europeans and US traveler are couples of 30’s or 40’s, Japanese travelers are young or retired people.
  • Spanish language spoken countries are hard but had a very fun. They talk to me in Spanish, they don’t care I don’t understand. They keep talking, and finally I understand they wanted to say. I wanted to speak Spanish.

About Rapanui(Easter Island), This site is interesting.
Rapanui Language


Wooden Moai

Wooden Moai

Wooden Moai Cava Cava

Woden Moai Cava Cava