Saturday, 20 December 1997

Yesterday, I went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner where the owner of Hotel Tokyo often goes. It’s named ‘Nuevo Mundo’, which means ‘New World’. I ordered fried rice (450 pesos), chop suey oriental (1300 pesos), and jasmine tea (400 pesos). I asked, ‘May I have chopsticks?’. Then they give me it. It’s great. I was happy. As Mrs. Monica said, it’s a reasonable price. It is located in an obscure area that is a little walk from Hotel Tokyo in the opposite direction to Centro. But I found one or two groups of tourists. Today, I went there again. I ate a few rich dishes. Fried rice, Congrio con Pana (2600 pesos), and Sopa Oriental (950 pesos). I want some Chinese tea at last, but they have only jasmine tea. I should have gone around Cerro San Cristobal, now I really think I should have done, but I stayed at a hotel and just lay around. I borrowed ‘Chikyu-no-arukikata’ guidebook for Easter Island’ from Mrs. Monica and read it. It’s hot outside, but cool in the room, good for a nap. The garden of the hotel had strong sunlight. Green was vivid in the sunshine. Birds sang. Flowers bloomed. It’s beautiful. I was taking pictures of the garden. I found the maid of the hotel napping on the sofa. I spent a serene day. Tomorrow, I will leave here for Patagonia.

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