I’ve heard that there is a way from London to Greenwich on a boat. The boat passes under London Bridge.
So it is also good for London sightseeing at a reasonable price.

The starting point is the London Eye Pier which is just below the London Eye. While some companies seem to operate, the Clipper is the fastest. I got on the Clipper by chance.


You can find out timetables and prices on the above site. I paid 12 pounds round-trip Ticket. It seems it was a little cheaper by using Oyster Card. So sorry I had it at that time. But it is not a big amount.

40 minutes from London Eye Pier to Greenwich. It was faster than I had expected. London seen from the river was also good.

I found a warship.
London Bridge was coming.

It is The Shard.
シャングリ・ラ ホテル - ロンドン

The boat passes the Bridge in a moment.
Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge

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